The Digital Conversationalist

Climate emergency

Andrea T Edwards

#122 Weekend reads – want to see what global calamity looks like?

Then watch Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix, although I strongly urge you to put on your critical thinking hat when you do. This is a very interesting and controversial documentary, but as it discusses an Ice Age event, which ended about 12,000 years ago, it’s really fascinating. The journalist Graham Hancock, lays out evidence showing there

#122 Weekend reads – want to see what global calamity looks like? Read More »


Discounts yay, annual sales yay, shop, consume… the disconnect is jarring

For years I’ve been sharing that we should NOT be celebrating the successes of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Singles Day, or whatever other mega sale is on the calendar. We are in overshoot and taking far more than what earth can provide, and this year World Overshoot Day fell on July 28th. That means anything we consume beyond July 28th

Discounts yay, annual sales yay, shop, consume… the disconnect is jarring Read More »