We have microplastics in breast milk… silence. Microplastics in placentas… silence. Babies today are born with microplastics in their bodies… silence. Microplastics found in blood clots in heart, brain, and legs…. OK how about this then? We found microplastics in every single testicle tested – media coverage everywhere!!
Oh well, as long as we’re waking up to the risks to all life on earth, if it’s the testes that gets the attention, at least it’s getting attention. My friends, we must address the plastics crisis. It is OUT OF CONTROL and it’s growing – doubling, tripling… we can’t allow it!!
There’s lots going on in the world, and no doubt, much of the world is focused on elections in the coming months, so perhaps a reminder of why it’s important to vote for earth stewards as our leaders, because if we don’t, well, things are going to get very hairy. Here’s a few highlights.
The Pope has jumped into the climate fray again, with the statement – “climate change at this moment is a road to death.” Note at this moment, so it means we need to act dramatically if we want to change our path, which means, he’s leaving us with some hope, but action is required, dramatic action!
Because the news out of Antarctica is pretty alarming, with an iceberg the size of the Isle of Wight breaking off, AND the “Dooms Day” Glacier continuing to hang on by its fingernails, but how much longer until it collapses? Sooner rather than later by the looks of things.
We have an earth energy imbalance – which means more heat is coming in than is being reflected back out. And it’s hot, really hot, in many parts of the world.
Personally, I’ve been so relieved to have two weeks of cool weather after three months of deadly heat, but Pakistan and India are not so lucky, with heat stroke deaths escalating quickly. In Thailand, sea temperatures have hit ‘boiling’ point, bleaching almost all coral – devastating.
We have heard about the severe heat extremes in Mexico, with Howler Monkeys (an endangered species) falling out of trees like apples, dead from heat stroke, and more extreme heat is on the way. The other issue here is the heat is pushing up into the US too, where anyone impacted by grid failures from recent storms may face brutal heat without the ability to cool down.
Heading down South into Brazil, the stories continue about the impacts of the devastating floods in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Many believe the cities and towns will need to be abandoned, as authorities struggle to find shelter for half a million displaced people.
Going much further further South, a devastating landslide has hit Papua New Guinea’s very isolated Enga province, where hundreds of people are feared to have died. We’ll learn more as emergency services get to this area.
Of course, many learned this week for the first time, that an increase in turbulence when flying is an issue that will get worse as climate change escalates, and the physical injuries passengers suffered on the Singapore Airlines flight are terrible. One dead and 20 in intensive care with spinal injuries. Please wear your belt when on a flight.
A couple of must reads. This is the story of 3M and forever chemicals – one of the novel entities in our environment that is disastrous for human health and the health of all life on our planet. Read and weep. It’s no longer unbelievable that corporations act like this, but still, it’s a shocking report into what happened, and we’re all paying the price now.
And this – Harassment of scientists is surging — institutions aren’t sure how to help. This is out-of-control and honestly, I don’t know how they cope with the constant attacks! It must stop, and we all need to come together and say enough. We need scientists now more than we ever have. Do you think they’ll keep going if we allow this to accelerate?
Favorite visual this week
My sister shared this and it’s absolutely spot on!

Friends content and mine
Absolutely delighted to start Climate Courage again, this time with Dr David Ko and Richard Busellato of Rethinking Choices as co-hosts. Really excited to see where we take this. Happening every second Friday, so do tune in, because there is so much to learn!
Plenty more to read, listen to or watch, so do click through to the reads at the image below, and a reminder, this platform (elink.io) means the articles go back weeks, so have a scan and read/watch/listen to whatever jumps out at you.

Let me know what caught your attention? Or share with me what has your attention now? There’s a lot going on, which means none of us can cover everything. Besides, it’s always great to get feedback so I know I’m delivering something of value.
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The Know Show
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Climate Courage
A fortnightly conversation on issues that matter to you and I, focusing on the actions we can all take. I’m also doing a three-part series called: We need a new middle-class dream, and one billion people with Uncommon Courage! Check it out.
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