The Digital Conversationalist

Andrea Edwards The Digital Conversationalist

Andrea T Edwards

#14 Weekend reads – another intense week in the news, ugh!

The blast in Beirut was devastating. You can’t imagine that happening where you live, especially if you’ve never lived in a war zone. Of course, the global conversation on the cause has begun in earnest. I find this need to theorize before we have all the facts very challenging and disconcerting. Something big has happened […]

#14 Weekend reads – another intense week in the news, ugh! Read More »

Drought in Thailand

#12 Weekend reads – drought in the tropics, we really going to keep ignoring that?

This year – 2020 – is a tough year for many reasons, but it’s also the year Thailand tackles its worst drought in 40 years!! I can not express how alarming it is when the wettest region in the world – the tropics – experiences drought

#12 Weekend reads – drought in the tropics, we really going to keep ignoring that? Read More »

Andrea T Edwards

#9 Weekend reads – have we all finally woken up to the reality of COVID19?

Surely this was the week we saw global acceptance of the huge challenges facing us in overcoming the pandemic? Of course there will always be those who doubt what is right in front of their eyes, but the majority is what matters, right?

#9 Weekend reads – have we all finally woken up to the reality of COVID19? Read More »

Plague state

#7 Weekend reads – tentative freedom and chaos seems to be the order of the day

On the one hand, many countries opening up have citizens who have done the hard yards to eradicate COVID19, by following extreme measures. It’s not over in many of these countries, but they have a better sense of where they are, and a commitment to doing what is needed to end the crisis in their countries.

#7 Weekend reads – tentative freedom and chaos seems to be the order of the day Read More »