The Digital Conversationalist

Andrea T Edwards

#27 Weekend reads – well it’s definitely an election like no other!!

What a week! An election like no other, and while I know everyone thought it was a nail biter, I’ve been confident all along in a Biden/Harris win. People asked me throughout why I was so confident? Two main reasons:

  1. I’ve been tracking the conversation on multiple platforms for more than four years and have noticed the passionate change in tone away from Trump, and it’s been in HUGE numbers, although the election results haven’t demonstrated that as much as I expected. A curious aspect in this election. On Twitter, in particular, I have always followed both sides of the discussion, because I believe it’s important. If you don’t see both sides, you can’t have a full picture of the real story – regardless of what you believe. Knowledge is power, but it’s also how we understand each other
  2. The way it was counted – starting with in-person votes, then early voting, then mail-in voting, with the military vote counted last. The military vote has been less dominant towards one party throughout, so it’s why I believe we’re seeing some reduction in blue votes towards the end, but the order of counting matters and it’s why so many were so anxious at the beginning, and it’s also why I wasn’t despairing then. A blue surge was always expected, based on voting numbers and where the counts were happening – mainly in blue dominated cities with large populations

It hasn’t been called yet, but we know it’s only a matter of time, and of course, we all expect shenanigans moving forward. However, the outrage towards Trump’s comments from every corner about his large-scale fraud claims, shows that this final attack on democracy will not be tolerated. So for now, we wait and see.

Is this all good news if you were hoping to see the back of Trump? Some insightful articles have come out this week, showing a brutally divided America, and that is a huge concern for the country moving forward. This division is not just in America as we all know, so the division within our societies should be a priority we all focus on solving. We need to come together, more than ever.

One aspect I’ve been studying in global elections for a number of years now, has been demographic differences in votes. The Boomers often get mocked (#OKBoomer), and for my generation, we were constantly told to dread their economic impact as they moved into retirement years. The other, less-discussed, but bigger concern has always been their voting power!!

As a GenX, did you know that I will not have more power in the voting booths than my parents until 2028? I find that so remarkable and it rarely gets any attention. However, here’s some interesting information on the voting demographic split, and this US Election seems the last time Boomers will dominate the elections – in the US at least.  

National Exit Polls: How Different Groups Voted

US voter demographics: election 2020 ended up looking a lot like 2016

The GOP’s Demographic Doom

Why the 2020 election is the Boomers’ last stand

If you read through the demographic break-outs, older voters are more predominantly red, and younger voters blue. According to the NYT, 40% of voters were under 45, and 60% of voters were over 45. This is a big challenge looking ahead, as different age groups have very different priorities. It’s where we all need to be focusing.

How do we empower the younger voters, to ensure they don’t face a 4C world, while helping the older electorate feel safe and cared for? One suggestion I have is, younger people, facing this dire future, get a full vote, and from an age (say 50) the value of your vote decreases. I think that’s fair? It’s their future, they should have the biggest say!

I turned 50 this year and would be happy to have my vote count less than my children, in case you’re wondering.

Anyway, lots expected in the news in the coming weeks, but here’s what I’ve been reading and watching during this crazy week. Looking forward to switching off CNN!!


Regardless of what’s going on, don’t forget to dig deep and donate to the amazing charities in your country or region to help those struggling the most right now. If you have any left, please donate to the UN Refugee Program and World Food Program. Let’s do good for each other.

Friends content

I wasn’t keeping an eye out for friend’s content this week (you know, a bit distracted) but before it all kicked off, I did publish this: The story of this time will be about creativity and innovation + resilience. Have a read if you’re feeling a bit stuck right now.

Content to read

And here’s the content I’ve been reading this last week. Scan the headlines, read the ones that jump out at you, read or watch them all. Knowledge is power, and global knowledge is even more powerful.

Climate Crisis / 6th Mass Extinction

Denmark to cull up to 17 million mink amid coronavirus fears

Rest super fund commits to net-zero emission investments after Brisbane man sues

Typhoon Goni: Philippines hit by year’s most powerful storm


Why Asia is better at beating the pandemic than Europe: the key lies in civility tks Cheryl Tan

Republican Politician Who Died of Covid-19 Wins Election in North Dakota

Clive Palmer loses High Court challenge to Western Australia’s coronavirus border closure

US sets record for cases amid election battle over virus

Coronavirus spreads after Covid-sceptic bishop’s funeral in Montenegro

White House Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows Tests Positive For The Coronavirus

Lung damage found in COVID-19 dead may shed light on ‘long COVID’: Study tks Esha Batish

Covid-19: England Sets Lockdown as Resurgent Virus Consumes Europe

Covid-19: PM announces four-week England lockdown

Boris Johnson set to announce national lockdown

Global Politics

Even if Biden Wins, It’s Trump’s America Now

Fox News tells anchors not to call Biden ‘President-elect,’ then seems to change its tune

Trump calls for ballot counting scenario where votes legally cast by military would be thrown out

With Trump’s attempted coup underway, this is one card liberals can use to their advantage

Lindsey Graham defends Trump’s false claims of voter fraud.

The rest of the world has had it with US presidents, Trump or otherwise tks  Cheryl Tan

Twitter permanently suspends Steve Bannon account after talk of beheading

Biden Can’t Be F.D.R. He Could Still Be L.B.J. Tks David Lim

US results: Trump sons attack Republicans for ‘weak’ backing

National Exit Polls: How Different Groups Voted

Read the Letter: GOP-Tapped Ex-US Attorneys Denounce Trump’s ‘Irresponsible’ Election Claims

Report: Trump is Terrified about Going to Prison after Losing the Election

Flomaton Police captain resigns after “put a bullet in their skull” comment about elections

Trump backers tricked into joining ‘Gay Communists for Socialism’ on Facebook tks David Lim

Stacey Abrams on minority rule, voting rights, and the future of democracy

US Election 2020: Biden overtakes Trump in Pennsylvania as Georgia heads for recount

Trump’s call to halt vote counts is his most brazen swipe at democracy yet

The 277 Policies for Which Biden Need Not Ask Permission Tks Phillipa Edwards

Key Arizona county shuts down building to media during vote count as armed Trump supporters gather

When a President Sabotages His Own Country

Win or Lose, Trump Will Remain a Powerful and Disruptive Force

US Election: Twitter hides Trump tweet about ‘disappearing’ lead

Record number of Australians sign ex-PM’s call for Murdoch inquiry

Election 2020 Live Updates: Races in Georgia and Arizona Tighten as Counting Continues tks Luke Clark

Election 2020: America’s Civil War v2.0

Early voting numbers are truly astounding

New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern appoints country’s first Indigenous female foreign minister

Peaceful march to the polls in North Carolina is met with police pepper spray and arrests, causing outcry on eve of election

Jim Chalmers says One Nation and United Australia Party losses in the Queensland election were ‘satisfying’

New Zealand Greens accept Ardern’s offer of ‘cooperation agreement’ tks Phillipa Edwards

Macron ‘can understand’ Muslims’ Muhammad cartoons shock

Kyle police confirm responding to reports of ‘vehicle contact’ related to Trump supporters surrounding Biden bus on I-35 tks Michelle Giamusso Regal

Business and Technology

NOCOOKIES tks Graham Harvey

A Cautionary Tale: Industry Event Reports Covid-Positive Attendees

Deutsche Bank plans to cut ties with Trump after the election and could seize his assets if he can’t pay back his debts, Reuters reports tks Elsa Gagnon-Robinet

Video opinion commentary: the global meetings & events industry is failing. It doesn’t have to be this way! tks Julian Mather

Social issues (#BlackLivesMatter) and humanity

The sole function of the clitoris is female orgasm. Is that why it’s ignored by medical science? tks Phillipa Edwards

Deep state, deep church: how Qanon and Trumpism have infected the Catholic Church tks Cheryl Tan

Dear World

Lashana Lynch deleted all her social media to cope with the backlash against being the first Black female 007 tks Cheryl Tan

Passion, humour, history

Stephen Rips Up The Monologue And Starts Over After Trump’s Heartbreaking Thursday Night Lie Fest tks Phillipa Edwards

John Legend Celebrates Georgia ‘Turning Blue’ With Ray Charles Classic

Sean Connery, Oscar Winner and James Bond Star, Dies at 90

Obituary: Sir Sean Connery

Let me know if anything jumped out at you?



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I believe it’s time for all of us to embrace our voice and embrace the future. We do this by working and living ‘out loud’ with meaning, intention, integrity and by being true to ourselves. If you own your voice, you will own your future.

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