The Digital Conversationalist


What’s the difference between employee advocacy and social leadership?

What’s the difference between employee advocacy and social leadership? And why it matters

Welcome to 2020. I’m off to a slow start, due to extended festivities around my 50th birthday (yes getting old), but I’ll never be absent for long. There’s too much to ponder and discuss. Too much to get ready for. If you watched my video earlier in the month (please give my YouTube channel a

What’s the difference between employee advocacy and social leadership? And why it matters Read More »

Social leadership requires great sensitivity, high EQ and global awareness

On September 11, 2001, I was in Boston, having cancelled a meeting at the World Trade Centre (WTC) in NYC the day before – a meeting scheduled to start at 9am. It’s definitely always felt like a close call, but I got lucky, and everyone I knew in the Towers got out too. Some of

Social leadership requires great sensitivity, high EQ and global awareness Read More »

I am not a hustler, so what does that make me?

If there is a consistent message breaking through for me on social media, it’s the concept that we must all be out there hustling to build businesses and opportunities – especially if we’re entrepreneurs. Gary Vaynerchuck is the poster child of the hustle today, because let’s face it, no one does it better than him!

I am not a hustler, so what does that make me? Read More »

Not building your personal brand? Then you’re not in control

We’ve all been reading intense headlines these last few months. Economies and confidence starting to flounder, the doom merchants are speaking up, and with the US election results, who knows where that will lead us? But people are being laid off too. Good people. Friends. These friends are people I’ve spoken to about building their personal

Not building your personal brand? Then you’re not in control Read More »

7 things I’ve learnt from writing 687 blog posts

I just added up the number of blog posts I’ve written and it stands at 687… well 688 if you include this one. That’s a lot of blogs – and it’s definitely been quite a journey. This journey kicked off in 2006, but got serious in 2009 when I started to build three separate blogs,

7 things I’ve learnt from writing 687 blog posts Read More »

Want to be successful? Be a person of your word and take action

I get asked for career advice a lot, and while most of the time I don’t think I can teach anyone anything – I’m still trying to work this life-stuff out myself – there are a couple of observations I’ve made in my 20+ year career that are consistent and (I believe) debilitating if you

Want to be successful? Be a person of your word and take action Read More »

Where are all the Social CEOs? Not in the Fortune 500

Every year I look forward to receiving the #socialceo report, because it gives me statistical fodder to back up my personal branding argument. With that said, this year I was a little disappointed. The growth is so slow and yet the world is moving so fast… it appears the message isn’t getting though. So

Where are all the Social CEOs? Not in the Fortune 500 Read More »