The Digital Conversationalist

Social Leadership

Dear Analysts, Please Get More Social

As I’ve recently “retired” from yet another chapter as an analyst relations person in the technology industry, I wanted to share a few thoughts with my friends, the analysts. As some of you know, I sincerely believe there is a massive opportunity for everyone on social media, and I’d love to see you all embrace […]

Dear Analysts, Please Get More Social Read More »

12 Social Media Profiles – Narcissist, Spousal Invader, Or?

I was at an APSS event recently and the discussion was around LinkedIn and how to better utilize this great networking asset. It was an informative session and thanks to some pointers from Chris J. Reed, I’ve updated my profile with the new tools available. I do recommend you check out what you can do now on

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I’ve been spending a bit of time with my Yammer colleagues recently, and there are two philosophies I really love about this team of inspired people. The first is “let’s change the world together” – yes please, I love that and I’m in. The second is encouraging all people to #worklikeanetwork. I absolutely couldn’t agree

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Asia Pacific Social Media Stats – Australia, China, India and Japan

It’s a pretty-much well proven fact that the world has changed and marketers must focus on where their audiences are interacting and work to influence them within that environment – yes? The stats tell the story… Nearly 80% of Internet users conduct product research online There are more than 10 billion online searches a month

Asia Pacific Social Media Stats – Australia, China, India and Japan Read More »

Your Personal Professional Profile is Vital

In today’s social world, one thing I’m not seeing enough of in Asia Pacific is people investing in their own personal professional profile in social media-land. I certainly have some connections that do a fantastic job at this – consistently focused on building their profile as experts in whatever field they are in – and

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How Many Characters for Social Media Business Pages?

I’ve just spent a great deal of time researching the number of characters allowed on the business pages for the significant social media sites. I have been looking for content limits for the “About” section, and while this is not the only opportunity to tell your story on a profile page – with headings and banners

How Many Characters for Social Media Business Pages? Read More »

How a Different Approach to Blogging can set Asian Subsidiaries Free

I’ve recently had two discussions with friends working within subsidiaries of global IT companies – and both have been pretty interesting. The one thing that was top of mind? They are frustrated by their lack of ability to influence the global discussion taking place online, because the content is being completely controlled by US headquarters.

How a Different Approach to Blogging can set Asian Subsidiaries Free Read More »