The Digital Conversationalist

Social Leadership

The 3 Significant Challenges for CIOs in Asia Pacific

Last week I posted an article entitled: Feng Shui, Do You Have the Energy for Business Success, which was written for another project that didn’t go ahead. The other article I put together was an interview with Dane Anderson, Vice President, Research Director and Region Manager for Forrester Research. Once again – not strictly communications […]

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Authenticity has never been More Important in Business

In my early 20s, my first job after graduating from University was becoming a Musician in the Australian Army – it was a VERY interesting chapter in my life. After two years as a Musician, I had the chance to unofficially move to the Defence Public Relations Department – an opportunity I snapped up and from

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Linked In, Blinked Out

How much of  ‘corporate social media’  amounts to ‘wasting time on the company’s dime?’ The big difficulty for many managers is in demonstrating a positive ROI (‘Return on Involvement’) from their social media projects – a collection of sundry activities loosely billed by the now ubiquitous social media consultants as “connecting, communicating and collaborating.” I

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I Know I Should be Blogging, But…

I don’t have time. I can’t write. I hate writing. I don’t have anything to write about. I have nothing to say. It’s not worth the effort. It’s something teenagers do in dark bedrooms isn’t it? And then there are the unspoken reasons: I’m too scared. What if people think I’m an idiot? Will it

I Know I Should be Blogging, But… Read More »

What Makes A Good Blog Great?

Imagine you live in a city where residents must choose between electricity or public sanitation. Which would you vote for? Not so easy, is it? (Mine would be for working sanitation.) Since starting my first blog over four years ago, I’m finding that b2b blogs present a similar dilemma. For example, should I plumb my

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Are PR Agencies a Strategic Fit for Social Businesses?

An argument has been doing the rounds in social media-land, and I haven’t been sure where I stand. The argument is what type of agency delivering a marketing discipline is the best partner for social media – and where do PR agencies fit into the debate, if at all? As an ex PR person, I

Are PR Agencies a Strategic Fit for Social Businesses? Read More »