The Digital Conversationalist

Andrea Edwards

Andrea T Edwards, CSP, The Digital Conversationalist, is a change agent, provocateur, passionate communicator and social leader. Andrea challenges organisations to think differently about integrity in the digital age. To think differently about the positive potential of social media. And she challenges business leaders to understand that, the tool of business transformation today, is the powerful voices of employees as social leaders. Because it is employees who are the champions and true influencers for businesses in the digital age. When organisations fully embrace this philosophy, social media becomes a catalyst for change. It engages and empowers individuals to serve the communities of their organisation, helps break down unnecessary siloes and hierarchies, while also empowering employees to gain control over careers and destinies. Social leadership unlocks everyone’s potential, because when you own your voice, you own your future. If you want to create rapid and powerful change in your business, change that will fundamentally shift the way you think and act, change that will attract the best talent, empower your employees and draw customers to you, then speak to Andrea about how a social leadership culture can lead your business to achieve incredible results.

I Know I Should be Blogging, But…

I don’t have time. I can’t write. I hate writing. I don’t have anything to write about. I have nothing to say. It’s not worth the effort. It’s something teenagers do in dark bedrooms isn’t it? And then there are the unspoken reasons: I’m too scared. What if people think I’m an idiot? Will it […]

I Know I Should be Blogging, But… Read More »

Tablet Strategies for Content Marketing?

IDG Connect recently launched a white paper entitled “iPad for Business Survey 2012” which highlights global trends for its 60 million users world-wide. Specifically focused on useage trends with business and IT professionals, 51% of IT decision-makers say they “always” use their iPad at work, with a further 40% saying they “sometimes” use it at

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What Makes A Good Blog Great?

Imagine you live in a city where residents must choose between electricity or public sanitation. Which would you vote for? Not so easy, is it? (Mine would be for working sanitation.) Since starting my first blog over four years ago, I’m finding that b2b blogs present a similar dilemma. For example, should I plumb my

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SAJE Officially Launches “The Writers Shop”

We’ve never shared any SAJE news on our blog, but today we’re so excited about what we’re doing, we figured it was worth sharing. We’ve been building this concept and community for months now, and today, we launch The Writers Shop – an innovative collaboration between some of Asia’s brightest business communication and writing professionals,

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Burson Marsteller Report on Social in Asia

Burson Marsteller recently released the “Asia Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011, How Asian Companies are Engaging Stakeholders Online” and here’s the shorter presentation. There’s some interesting information here, including South Korea is the most active, with Malaysia, China and Thailand next. Micro-blogs and social networks are the most popular channels to engage. However Asian

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Communication is the Most Important Skill in the Professional Services Sector

I’ve had a few recent reminders about this, working with some other professional services companies. All of them have been really talented in their respective fields but were lacking in their ability to communicate on the work we were doing together. Weeks would go by and I’d hear nothing, so I’d follow-up and say hey,

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