Today, I’m attending the first sustainability event in Phuket, and tonight it’s time for some of the great musical talent to come together and rock the night. All funds raised will go to local charities and foundations, doing amazing work in and around Phuket. Today has been brilliant. Amazing. Soul enriching.
This is all brought together by our community One Phuket, which we established at the start of 2021 – first to raise money to feed people who were struggling during the economic fall-out of the pandemic, and now, we are focused on sustainability.
With both areas of focus, we recognized multiple groups, all working hard and doing incredible work, but separately, isn’t the most effective way of succeeding. So we all agreed it was time to come together and combine forces.
It is incredibly powerful too. It not only means we get a bigger view of the challenges we face, but we also get the creative ideas of everyone, can achieve more, and we can be bolder. We also give each other energy, because it is very challenging to do this sort of work, and you need the extra energy shots!
We are incredibly bold in the ambitions we have set for ourselves too. Hugely bold, but boldness is the only way. Read the environment section below. Times are getting more challenging all around the world.
Over the coming year, we are documenting everything we are doing and will share it far and wide, especially with other tropical Island paradises around the world – hoping it’s a template for wider action. However, we hope it’s a roadmap for any community in the world.
The key epiphany for me is really simple. Come together with your community and get to work. Find the people who are passionate and with great ideas and get them on board. Find the artists, the activists, the workers, the wranglers, the fun people, find them all and start making changes in your community right now. People with strong egos, probs best leave out. It’s not an ego game.
We can ALL do this and truly, if we want to see the change needed in the world, this is where it starts. Governments are not going to do it for us. I mean, just read this article: Bonn talks end in acrimony over compensation. I’ll address this in another post, because it’s a big wide topic, but until we get the message, our elected representatives will not. We need to get it first.
When we get it, we’ll vote for it. When we vote for it and support the leaders to do the hard work necessary, then we have a chance of seeing great change. Let’s do it, but start with your community. You’ll make amazing new friendships too.
Friend’s content and mine
Post-covid trauma: what can be done? By the incredible Sha En Yeo. This is SUCH an important issue and we need to face it.
Grit and ability to innovate go hand in hand – GREAT piece by Natalie Turner. Could not agree more.
Connect With Confidence – with Kerrie Phipps: Leadership Without Mind Games with Frank Hagenow on Apple Podcasts – Kerrie Phipps and Dr Frank Hagenow, two awesome people and a wonderful conversation.
I have relaunched a new edition of 18 Steps to an All Star LinkedIn Profile (2022 edition) – if you are a newbie on LinkedIn, this book is for you.
Uncommon Courage #28 The one minute meditation – Uncommon Courage – An Invitation – this is the meditation that can help you drill down into your focus. A chapter from my book, Uncommon Courage: an invitation. Do this if you’re struggling on what you want to do or what you want to be known for.
10 EASY ways to reduce our water consumption
Donation time
If everyone gave #just10percent of their time, talent, money or voice, we’ll change the world. Can you donate? Make it a regular donation to the World Food Programme. Or donate to the UN Refugee Program, PowerOf , , Soi Dog Foundation. It’s a time for giving and taking care of each other.
If you want to support Ukraine Red Cross Ukraine, Medicine Sans Frontier, Defend Ukraine, as well as World Food Programme and UN Refugee Program.
Content to read
And here’s the content I’ve been reading or watching this last week. Scan the headlines, read the ones that jump out at you, read or watch them all. Knowledge is power, and global knowledge is even more powerful.
Climate crisis
REGENESIS: George Monbiot calls for the end of (almost all) animal farming
Pollen and Heat: A Looming Challenge for Global Agriculture
Subverting Climate Science in the Classroom
Nepal to move Everest base camp from melting glacier
Climate change is coming for your ketchup
Could Google’s Carbon Emissions Have Effectively Doubled Overnight? tks Robert Kirubi
Climate change: Rising sea levels threaten 200,000 England properties
A Hotter, Poorer, and Less Free America
The Ukraine Crisis Shows How Fragile Our Food Systems Are
Fink Says BlackRock Doesn’t Want to Be ‘Environmental Police’
Eight million Australians urged to turn off lights
6 Big Findings from the IPCC 2022 Report on Climate Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
The World Faces a Decade of Global Hunger that Could ‘Irreversibly Degrade Humanity’s Prospects’ tks Damian Corbet
Bolsonaro blamed as UN, activists denounce Amazon murders
Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira: Suspect leads police to human remains
Rwanda asylum flight cancelled after legal action
Bolsonaro says ‘something wicked’ done to Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira
No bodies found in hunt for British journalist, Brazil police say
How your spiking energy bills are making foreign investors rich
Energy executives at transition conference still lean on fossil fuels
Maasai leaders arrested in protests over Tanzanian game reserve
Going Under: 200,000 homes and businesses at risk of rising sea levels
Sustainable Investing App – Ethical Investing
IUU Fishing in the Indian Ocean: A Security Threat
The 1977 White House climate memo that should have changed the world
How The Gambia’s oyster farmers are being hit by climate change
Images of Change – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
Sea Level | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
Rare Yellowstone closure from historic floods spells hardship for ‘gateway’ towns
Food waste the key to McCain Foods getting off the grid in Victoria
Did You Know 50% of the Great Barrier Reef Is Dead?
Ukraine set to receive green hydrogen from Canada
Why ‘Super Worms’ Might Be The Answer To Our Plastic Waste tks Philip Merry
Weather tracker: heatwaves could add to energy problems across Europe
Climate change: New fossil fuel funding is ‘delusional’ says UN chief
Most people don’t know which animals are going extinct: poll
How to turn your garden into a carbon sink tks Avi Liran
Thirty years of climate summits: where have they got us?
Sustainably Yours: The Phuket Swapshop
Singapore to reduce reliance on hydrofluorocarbons under climate treaty
Nearly all of Portugal faces ‘severe drought’ after hottest May in 92 years
Ocean viruses: Huge survey finds thousands of previously undescribed microbes
Why bankers close their ears to the ‘climate nut jobs’ talking about the end of the world tks Susanna Hasenoehrl
A Global Food Crisis: Shortage Amidst Plenty)
Climate crisis is ‘battering our economy’ and driving inflation, new book says
Something starting to do the rounds on social media, is this Tweet. Yes, the scientists are telling us they were not expecting what is happening in the environment to happen until 2050. It’s happening now. No time to lose. Thanks for sharing Phillipa Edwards.

Global politics
‘Negligent in the extreme’: Labor inherits crises across portfolios tks Phillipa Edwards
The war in Ukraine tks Francine Varner
Russia’s economy in for a bumpy ride as sanctions bite
Biden Weighs Tariff Rollback to Ease Inflation, Even a Little Bit
Australia’s mainstream media is stumbling from crisis to crisis tks Phillipa Edwards
Russia Is ‘Hemorrhaging Millionaires’ After Ukraine Invasion: Report
Vox Conversations: The fight for Ukraine — and democracy Podcast
Ukraine war: Every bridge leading to key city Severodonetsk destroyed
NI Protocol: UK reveals plans to ditch parts of EU Brexit deal
US gun control: Cross-party group of senators agree limited safety measures
Check My Ads aims to defund Fox after going after right-wing websites
Ukraine war: Former British soldier Jordan Gatley killed in fighting
Anthony Albanese shows he’s a big-picture empath – more like Hawke than Rudd or Gillard tks Phillipa Edwards
Business and technology
Japan gets ready to welcome foreign tourists
Why Did Revlon File for Bankruptcy?
Is It Time to Consider Co-CEOs?
The C-Suite Skills That Matter Most
Bill Gates says he’s ‘not involved’ in crypto, sees it as ‘greater fool’ investment
New Tools and Resources for Parents and Teens in VR and on Instagram
A quick guide to the most important AI law you’ve never heard of tks Shalaka Verma
Meta hit with 8 lawsuits for ‘exploiting young people for profit’
Facebook Made This 29-Year-Old Rich; War Made Him A Billionaire
Russian-Owned Successor Of McDonald’s Opens In Moscow
How to Follow Up with Someone Who’s Not Getting Back to You
US Firms Secure 19 Deals to Export Liquified Natural Gas, Driven in Part by the War in Ukraine
NSW budget 2022: Government to introduce an extra year of education
20 Most Expensive Cities in the World for Expats 2022: Hong Kong Tops the List
Social issues and humanity
I’ve lived as a man & a woman — here’s what I learned tks Vicky Coburn
Arron Banks loses libel action against reporter Carole Cadwalladr
Google Engineer On Leave After He Claims AI Program Has Gone Sentient
Mick Jagger ‘feeling much better’ after Covid diagnosis
Sir Mick Jagger tests positive for Covid – BBC News
Rebel starts spreading the news of relationship
Rebel Wilson outing sparks Australia media reckoning
The Journal.: Hack Me If You Can, Part 1: The Making of a Russian Hacker Podcast
The Journal.: Hack Me If You Can, Part 2: Counterstrike Podcast
The cure for impostor syndrome is simpler than you think
Fundraiser by Kevin Cottam : Medical Assistance to Ngorongoro Maasai, Tanzania
Rwanda asylum flight cancelled after legal action
Vox Conversations: The war on trans people on Apple Podcasts
COVID reinfections set to spike in U.S. as new variants evade immunity (
“Corporatised” Guide Dogs Victoria: a charity broken
U.S. drops COVID testing for incoming international air travelers
The Sage on Twitter: “Wow. Just wow. The most accurate video on the state of the USA ever made.
Seven stowaways and a hijacked oil tanker: the strange case of the Nave Andromeda
Passion, humour, history
The Journal: The Saudi Money Splitting Golf on Apple Podcasts
Plague: Ancient teeth reveal where Black Death began, researchers say
China Says It May Have Detected Signals From Aliens
Sinkhole Opens up Near Pantheon Exposing Underground Roman World
Heather Cox Richardson elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences
BTS announce break to grow and pursue solo projects
Derinkuyu: Strange underground city found in man’s basement
The Merry Little Minuet THE KINGSTON TRIO (with lyrics)
Let me know what jumped out at you? Or share with me what you’re reading? I love that!
Environment education
Three environment resources to help navigate this challenging territory. 1. Knowledge, constantly updating. 2. Individual action and awareness, so we do our part. 3. Resources for those struggling with eco-anxiety. Please share with your community.

Uncommon Courage: an invitation – my latest book
Uncommon Courage is an invitation to be your courageous best self every day. It’s also an antidote to the overwhelm, fear, and rage rolling around the world. But it’s more than a book; it’s an invitation to join an inclusive community that wants to better understand humanities challenges – both global and personal – in order to take courageous action and create a better world for everyone. If Covid19 has given us the time and space to reflect, Uncommon Courage gives us the nudge we need to create lasting change.
You can buy it on Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Booktopia, Smashwords, Kobo, Gardners, Odilo, Indie Bound, BookShop by BookTrib and Scribd.
Better yet, order it from your local bookstore, so you can #SupportLocal.
You can read the reviews, including a new five-star review on Book Commentary, another five-star review on ReaderViews, a review on BookTrib, and three more on Booklife, another on Book Commentary and Blue Ink Reviews. I’m also collating reviews on my Website too. Have a look and grateful to everyone who has written or recorded one.
Come and join the conversation in my new Facebook Group Uncommon Courage.
Uncommon Courage, the podcast – Apple, Spotify and everywhere podcasts are published.

The Know Show
Check out The Know Show. It’s a weekly wrap up of the news!
18 Steps to an All-Star LinkedIn Profile (2022 edition – out now)
Listed by Book Authority in the 100 Best LinkedIn Books of All Time and 22 Best New LinkedIn eBooks To Read In 2021 and 2022 categories. Grab it today if you want to take your professional presence to the next level! When it comes to LinkedIn, it really is time to ask — can you really afford not to have this book in the hands of every employee?

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