The Digital Conversationalist

social leadership

Creative visionaries

A European adventure contemplating the importance of creative visionaries

I’m well over halfway through a five-week trip around Europe with my two sons, and while holidays are always a time of “brain overflow” for me, there is one idea constantly cropping up. And that is the powerful impact of creative visionary thinkers when they are given the licence to express their truth. Throughout history, […]

A European adventure contemplating the importance of creative visionaries Read More »

Harnessing the power of social leadership and employee advocacy in the financial services sector

Harnessing the power of social leadership and employee advocacy in the financial services sector

For the last 18 months, I’ve had the great privilege to work with BNP Paribas Securities Services across Asia Pacific, to inspire their talented employees to become active and engaged social leaders. I’ve worked with and for many companies, and I can say, hand on heart, this is the nicest group of professionals I have

Harnessing the power of social leadership and employee advocacy in the financial services sector Read More »

When did we all get so shallow, or have we not changed at all?

As the years roll on and social media marketing becomes more embedded in our lives and information gets more and more infobese, I believe we’re starting to really understand both the positive and negative impacts of social media in both our personal and professional lives. The negative is obvious. We saw the sickening use of

When did we all get so shallow, or have we not changed at all? Read More »

Hundreds of Professional Speakers sign event sustainability pledge in Asia

A couple of weeks ago, the UN released a report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). The warning is stark. The ecosystems on which all life on planet earth depends – including human life – is deteriorating at an unprecedented pace. If it continues, IPBES chair Robert Watson said: “We

Hundreds of Professional Speakers sign event sustainability pledge in Asia Read More »

Is there a way to deal with the trolls, the bullies and the haters online?

If there is one issue I wish I could fix, it would definitely be getting rid of the revolting people that plague the online world. As a female blogger, I’ve had my fair share of revolting nonsense and every time it makes me step back for a bit and reduce my voice. Because why would

Is there a way to deal with the trolls, the bullies and the haters online? Read More »

What is your customer paying attention to right now?

I’ve been slow getting back into work this year – I mean really slow!! I just haven’t been ready to leap into the fray, and I still don’t feel fully ready. Why? Because sometimes I just get worn down by the constant negative news ricocheting around our globe. I’m also getting more and more despondent

What is your customer paying attention to right now? Read More »

The challenge with content marketing hasn’t changed in 10 years

One of the initiatives of the Asia Content Marketing Association (ACMA), is an exclusive event series called ACMA Content Conversations Select (Select). Select is a peer-to-peer discussion, focussed on current themes and challenges around online content marketing, and we discuss how to help each other overcome challenges and embrace the opportunity content marketing delivers. Only

The challenge with content marketing hasn’t changed in 10 years Read More »

The number one starting point to be a powerful social leader

I was tagged on LinkedIn by the president of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Singapore, Han Sam Lai (Sam) after speaking at the recent ICF Singapore Business Forum 2018. In my speech/workshop, I did a one-minute meditation and Sam selected the question: “What gives me energy? What feeds my spirit?” (All questions included at the

The number one starting point to be a powerful social leader Read More »