Welcome back to the Weekend Reads for 2024 and if you’re like me, you probably took a very tentative step into this New Year, as we face climate predictions that could make the extremes of 2023 look tame by comparison. The predictions are for a hard year environmentally, and look how we started with global sea surface temperatures, which won’t peak until March?

A news item of note: the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2024 was released this week (always worth a read) and top of the pops as a risk in the next two years is misinformation and disinformation.
Misinformation is false or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive.
Disinformation is false information, which is intended to mislead, especially propaganda issued by a government to a rival power or the media.
This is a risk we must get a handle on, and we need to educate people about it, especially with AI in the mix, which means the potential for disaster is even greater – forewarned is forearmed, right? The reason this really matters in 2024 is because we have a record number of elections and Democracy is on the line.
To give you a sense of the election year we’re now in, according to Time Magazine: Globally, more voters than ever in history will head to the polls as at least 64 countries (plus the European Union)—representing a combined population of about 49% of the people in the world—are meant to hold national elections, the results of which, for many, will prove consequential for years to come.
We’ve seen a big wave of authoritarian leaders elected all over the world, which means the stakes truly couldn’t be higher! Not to forget, no strongman or woman is coming to save us, and this style of leadership is incapable of successfully navigating through the times we are now living in. No, we need leaders with wisdom, integrity and compassion, and the voting public also needs to understand the risks and get behind leaders capable of managing us through these challenging times. So, vote wisely.
Which takes me onto the next point – OUR responsibility to be part of this moment and to be the leaders the world needs right now! If you are an expert on misinformation and disinformation (in any area), please speak up, share knowledge, help educate people, highlight issues, share examples, talk to your family and community, etc… Do all you can to help, because we need those who know better to help everyone navigate this time – for all of our sakes.
Here are the top 10 risks highlighted in the report for the next two years and the next 10, and unsurprisingly, climate and the planetary crisis is way up there at the top, especially in the 10-year prediction. The report highlights this is not what will happen, but it could happen if we don’t immediately start to address the immense issues we face as a global community, and we’re not doing that yet, not at all.

The other part of the news that has been happening since my last Weekend Reads is, of course, the annual wrap up reporting for the year and predictions for 2024. As you’ll see if you scan through the reads, 2023 was one hell of a year and as I said above, 2024 is looking to supersede that. Wherever we live in the world, we must start acting urgently on adaptation plans, so we don’t face it unprepared. Please, at least know the risks where you live and bring your community together to get ready.
We must also stop war. It’s on the rise, where we have as much war today as we had pre-World War Two. We can’t afford war, we never could afford war, but today, it will tip us over the edge. We don’t want to do that. Peace, unity and collaboration is required.
In the meantime, to those freezing in the North, stay safe, and to those boiling in the South, know where you can go to cool down if the heat index moves into unliveable territory. Whether it’s extreme heat or extreme cold, both can “break” the grid, so have a plan of action in case it goes down.
Here’s to another year of paying attention to the information that matters.
New information platform
I’ve found a new platform to feature the news (elink.io if anyone is interested), and because it’s visual, I believe it will be more engaging to readers. However, I can’t insert it into a blog, so please click on the image below and it will take you to the Weekend Reads, which are now featured on a page on my Website called Knowledge.

Before you leave, wherever you saw this on social media, let me know what caught your attention? Or share with me what you’re paying attention to? I love that!
Uncommon Courage: an invitation
Uncommon Courage is an invitation to be your courageous best self every day. It’s also an antidote to the overwhelm, fear, and rage rolling around the world. But it’s more than a book; it’s an invitation to join an inclusive community that wants to better understand humanities challenges – both global and personal – in order to take courageous action and create a better world for everyone. If Covid19 has given us the time and space to reflect, Uncommon Courage gives us the nudge we need to create lasting change.
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You can read the reviews, including a new five-star review on Book Commentary, another five-star review on ReaderViews, a review on BookTrib, and three more on Booklife, another on Book Commentary and Blue Ink Reviews. I’m also collating reviews on my Website too. Have a look and grateful to everyone who has written or recorded one.
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The Know Show – back February 2nd
Check out The Know Show. It’s a fortnightly wrap up of the news!
Climate Courage
A fortnightly conversation on issues that matter to you and I, focusing on the actions we can all take.
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