The Digital Conversationalist


What’s the difference between employee advocacy and social leadership?

What’s the difference between employee advocacy and social leadership? And why it matters

Welcome to 2020. I’m off to a slow start, due to extended festivities around my 50th birthday (yes getting old), but I’ll never be absent for long. There’s too much to ponder and discuss. Too much to get ready for. If you watched my video earlier in the month (please give my YouTube channel a

What’s the difference between employee advocacy and social leadership? And why it matters Read More »

Why service and giving is the cornerstone of a successful career (and life)

Why service and giving is the cornerstone of a successful career (and life)

Being speechless is something that rarely happens to me as a professional speaker. Imagine my surprise when I was both speechless and very moved a couple of months ago at the Asia Professional Speakers Convention 2019. During the Gala Dinner I was honoured with the Spirit of Service Award by the Asia Professional Speakers Singapore

Why service and giving is the cornerstone of a successful career (and life) Read More »

When did we all get so shallow, or have we not changed at all?

As the years roll on and social media marketing becomes more embedded in our lives and information gets more and more infobese, I believe we’re starting to really understand both the positive and negative impacts of social media in both our personal and professional lives. The negative is obvious. We saw the sickening use of

When did we all get so shallow, or have we not changed at all? Read More »

Hundreds of Professional Speakers sign event sustainability pledge in Asia

A couple of weeks ago, the UN released a report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). The warning is stark. The ecosystems on which all life on planet earth depends – including human life – is deteriorating at an unprecedented pace. If it continues, IPBES chair Robert Watson said: “We

Hundreds of Professional Speakers sign event sustainability pledge in Asia Read More »