The Digital Conversationalist

Andrea Edwards

Andrea T Edwards, CSP, The Digital Conversationalist, is a change agent, provocateur, passionate communicator and social leader. Andrea challenges organisations to think differently about integrity in the digital age. To think differently about the positive potential of social media. And she challenges business leaders to understand that, the tool of business transformation today, is the powerful voices of employees as social leaders. Because it is employees who are the champions and true influencers for businesses in the digital age. When organisations fully embrace this philosophy, social media becomes a catalyst for change. It engages and empowers individuals to serve the communities of their organisation, helps break down unnecessary siloes and hierarchies, while also empowering employees to gain control over careers and destinies. Social leadership unlocks everyone’s potential, because when you own your voice, you own your future. If you want to create rapid and powerful change in your business, change that will fundamentally shift the way you think and act, change that will attract the best talent, empower your employees and draw customers to you, then speak to Andrea about how a social leadership culture can lead your business to achieve incredible results.

How Many Characters for Social Media Business Pages?

I’ve just spent a great deal of time researching the number of characters allowed on the business pages for the significant social media sites. I have been looking for content limits for the “About” section, and while this is not the only opportunity to tell your story on a profile page – with headings and banners

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How a Different Approach to Blogging can set Asian Subsidiaries Free

I’ve recently had two discussions with friends working within subsidiaries of global IT companies – and both have been pretty interesting. The one thing that was top of mind? They are frustrated by their lack of ability to influence the global discussion taking place online, because the content is being completely controlled by US headquarters.

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Slogans or Taglines – How to Create a Great One

I recently concluded a complete messaging revamp for an exciting company in the Cloud strategic advisory space. As part of any messaging overhaul, the tagline (or company slogan) must also be reviewed for relevance, because these three (or four or five) little words say so much about a company, encapsulating what you do with the

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The 3 Significant Challenges for CIOs in Asia Pacific

Last week I posted an article entitled: Feng Shui, Do You Have the Energy for Business Success, which was written for another project that didn’t go ahead. The other article I put together was an interview with Dane Anderson, Vice President, Research Director and Region Manager for Forrester Research. Once again – not strictly communications

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Feng Shui: Do You Have the Energy for Business Success?

I recently interviewed Feng Shui Master, Edwaard Liu, for an article I hoped to publish on another digital platform. Unfortunately the publishing deal didn’t work out but I still wanted to share the article – because Master Liu had some really great insights, especially for an uninitiated person like me. He is also a terrific

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Toys “R” Us Asia Pacific – Vision and Mission – Really?

I’ve been struggling with ‘Toys “R” Us’ in Singapore recently. It’s a place I have to visit on a regular basis – not just because I have two young sons, but also because Singapore is one of those places where you are constantly invited to kids’ birthday parties and as such, there are always presents

Toys “R” Us Asia Pacific – Vision and Mission – Really? Read More »

Sales Training – Four Focus Areas for Success

Ask any sales person during their annual review what they need from the company to hit their figures next fiscal year, and usually “training” comes out top of the list. Ask them what sort of training or coaching they need within this broad area and the response is usually a spattering of different fields including

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