The first week of the Trump administration (and it ain’t even over), has been crazy town. No question he’s organized for his second term and has hit the ground sprinting. There has been shock and horror, of course, but I really encourage everyone to listen to people they disagree with. There are always other ways to look at issues, and while you don’t have to agree with any of it, it’s important to understand HOW people are thinking and why.
Here’s an example of people you might disagree with. You might get angry listening to some of these thoughts and honestly, I struggle with Konstantin Kisin, but I don’t think he’s always wrong. He just challenges me, which I like. It’s important for all of us to be open to others’ ideas, because people like this have influence AND they think about things in a different way than you (or I) might. It’s important to hear and consider. You don’t have to agree.
I asked my teenage boys what they considered the craziest news they heard this week. My youngest son, Jax, 16, said everything Trump announced this week. We had a conversation about what they both thought, and here’s a quick summary of the main announcements someone shared on Twitter, well at least the Biden Executive Orders that were reversed.

However, was this the craziest news I asked them? How about Elon Musk doing a Nazi salute? And honestly, just that piece of news has been bonkers – not just how it’s been reported in the media, but how it’s being discussed. My boys have had some interesting influence there, including Lex (18) saying it was a Roman Salute. For clarification, when anyone says it was a Roman Salute, Hitler was inspired by the Roman Salute: aka it’s the same thing. Regardless, we can’t believe what we see with our own eyes it seems.
We then had a Bishop horrendously attacked, because she talked about mercy – how completely un-Christian of her. We really are living in two different realities, aren’t we? Have a watch if you missed it.
DEI has been in the spotlight and some friends were immediately impacted, with many people across the US and in US businesses around the world, losing their jobs. I really REALLY encourage you to read this article by my great friend, Dr Zsuzsanna Tungli. She is the expert in this area – The Answer To DEI’s Woes Should Be Better, Not Fewer, Initiatives.
We heard immigrants are being deported in military aircraft today – two flights bound for Guatemala and a third to Mexico. But guess what? Mexico said no – Mexico refuses to accept a U.S. deportation flight. One interesting perspective in the video – if you are doing this, why not invite the press? Otherwise, how can we be certain it isn’t just a show?
But the one piece of news that really raised my hackles is America’s Indigenous community are in the firing light of immigration. I mean, how’s this for utter madness and cruelty? “Excluding Indians”: Trump admin questions Native Americans’ birthright citizenship in court |
And this isn’t just a rumor, action has already been taken! My word Reports of Navajo people being detained in immigration sweeps sparks concern from tribal leaders • Oregon Capital Chronicle. Yeah, it’s going to be an intense four years, no doubt about it. So many people will suffer.
AI guardrails have been removed, health communications have gone dark (perfect timing with bird flu outbreaks escalating), discrimination no longer protected, pricing protections on medicines gone, birthright citizenship on the line, pulled out of WHO, the Paris Agreement, and on it goes – read more here on the healthcare side: What Trump’s busy first week means for healthcare.
And to top off a week of craziness, Pete Hegseth is now defence secretary. Can you imagine the conversations in China? Pete Hegseth confirmed as Trump’s defence secretary
Unsurprisingly, climate change has or is being removed from government websites, and every time this happens (remember Florida?) I have a dark chuckle, because the idea that people in positions of power can just wish it all away is human stupidity at the highest level. Mother Nature will keep reminding us how wrong we are, as we’re seeing in Ireland, and across the UK right now #StormEowyn.
I know this time is intense and many want to look away. I totally get it, but we can’t. We must step up and define the world WE want and then we need to get to work to make it a reality.
This cartoon nails the concept

We also can’t be caught up in the craziness of the news cycle. It’s designed to keep us overwhelmed, which guarantees we disengage. So please, pay attention to what’s important to you and let the rest go. If you don’t, you won’t be able to stay the course.
I’m very grateful I’m not in the US these days, but boy, my heart is with every decent human being there – especially those who will be viciously targeted in the next four years. We will all need to protect our hearts from this, otherwise it will break us.
Wrapping up, and to build on the point above, this is an important read. Ask yourself: do you own your attention or are you being coerced to give it up? There are many deep questions we must be asking ourselves today – You’re Being Alienated From Your Own Attention – The Atlantic.
Favorite visual or meme

One positive about the next four years, meme’s will be superb.

Friends content, and mine
Just a quickie on equality, because equality is good for everyone, and I mean, everyone!
Dig into the news
Plenty more to read, listen to or watch, so do click through to the reads at the image below, and a reminder, this platform has articles going back weeks, so have a scan and read/watch/listen to whatever jumps out at you.

Let me know what caught your attention? Or share with me what has your attention now? There’s a lot going on, which means none of us can cover everything. Besides, it’s always great to get feedback so I know I’m delivering something of value.
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