We’re all witnessing countries around the world starting to lower safety measures, and humanity is taking tentative steps towards freedom. For my single friends, who have been fighting extreme loneliness, I am delighted for them.
But the news is definitely mixed. On the one hand, many countries opening up have citizens who have done the hard yards to eradicate COVID19, by following extreme measures. It’s not over in many of these countries, but they have a better sense of where they are, and a commitment to doing what is needed to end the crisis in their countries.
Unfortunately, on the other hand, barely enough has been done in so many major countries, and the growth in cases is alarming. The challenge this presents to all of us is, until it’s over everywhere, it’s not over anywhere. The global recovery from this has always relied on the whole world to act in a united way. Maybe one day we’ll get that message?
I can definitely recommend reading the first article in the COVID19 section below. It’s passionate, but ask yourself: which countries will be the plague states? Are you in one? Regardless if you are, we’ll all be impacted by it.
I also learnt a new term this week – Boogaloo movement. Sigh, there are so many angry people out there. We never did get the divide and conquer lesson from history, did we?
Locally, regionally and globally there are many charities to donate to and all are in urgent need of funds. Can I ask everyone to look at the UN Refugee Program and the World Food Program? Why not donate what you saved in entertainment expenses these last few months and make a donation? These are the people most at risk in this pandemic. Let’s show them we care.
Friends content
Unlock Diaries: The stories never written by Anuradha Kumar the amazing Anu Kumar – an author I recommend everyone follows. She’ll take you away into new worlds and wonder!
Design thinking your content from Simon Kearney at Click2View
UWC Thailand Arrowsmith cognitive training program available online in real time – Joel Fisher, check it out if you have a child struggling with learning. It might be the answer you’ve been looking for, as it was for us.
Also check out Kerrie Phipps Do Talk To Strangers Podcast. I really enjoyed the chat with Warwick Merry. Two awesome pals.
Content to read
And here’s the content I’ve been reading this last week. As always, scan the headlines, read the ones that jump out at you, read or watch them all. Knowledge is power, and global knowledge is even more powerful. Let’s get out of our nationalistic knowledge siloes.
#BlackLivesMatter / all racism
Ruby Bridges shares never-before-seen footage of protests on her historic first day of school
When Antifa Hysteria Sweeps America
Louisville Officer Is Being Fired 3 Months After Fatally Shooting Breonna Taylor
Angela Davis: ‘We knew that the role of the police was to protect white supremacy’
The Anatomy of a Fake Antifa Tweet – well worth a read, VERY powerful
Most Americans express support for the Black Lives Matter movement
Juneteenth Is a Reminder That Freedom Wasn’t Just Handed Over
A letter to Roy. He’s the black guy in my pictures – tks Pooneh Fooladi
US embassy in South Korea takes down Black Lives Matter banner
Accused California Cop Killer Linked To Right-Wing Extremist Boogaloo Movement – tks Michelle Giammusso Regal
I was a police chief stopped by my own officer. After Floyd, we need change at all levels.
U.N. rights body to examine ‘systemic’ U.S. racism and police brutality
BLM supporter speaks out after carrying counter-protester to safety
Why Aren’t We All Talking About Breonna Taylor?
Jon Stewart: ‘The Police Are a Reflection of a Society’
America’s Long Overdue Awakening to Systemic Racism
‘He came to see blackfellas!’ When Muhammad Ali visited Fitzroy
Systemic racism: science must listen, learn and change
Fox News Removes a Digitally Altered Image of Seattle Protests
Research Says Violent Cops Cause Violent Protests – tks Didier Ache
Background Check: Investigating George Floyd’s Criminal Record
America Gave Up On Coronavirus — Now the Worst-Case Scenario’s Coming True – tks Amber Pearl
Iceland now feels like the coronavirus never happened – tks Daph Ch
What the Pandemic Reveals About the Male Ego
Coronavirus 2nd Wave? Nope, The U.S. Is Still Stuck In The 1st One
Coronavirus: Fear of second wave in Beijing after market outbreak
GIVE.ASIA – an opportunity to help a migrant worker’s family
Quarantine has changed us — and it’s not all bad
Coronavirus: Dexamethasone proves first life-saving drug
COVID-19 is the quiz, climate change the final exam
Record spike in new coronavirus cases reported in six U.S. states as reopening accelerates
Coronavirus hasn’t gone away. So why are people acting as if it has?
Paulinho Paiakan: Amazon indigenous chief dies with coronavirus
Pandemics result from destruction of nature, say UN and WHO
Brazil passes 1 million coronavirus cases: Live updates
Thanks for this Ava Diamond – love Freddy!

Climate Crisis/6th Mass Extinction
World has six months to avert climate crisis, says energy expert
Pesticide Giants Get $2 Billion UK Taxpayer COVID-19 Bailout Despite Mammoth Dividend Plans
Michael Mann Fought Climate Denial. Now He’s Fighting Climate Doom.
Unilever launches €1bn climate and nature fund, targets net-zero emissions by 2039
New Report Shows Why We Must Tackle Excessive Wealth to Save The Planet – interesting this is positioned as new information….
Climate crisis: alarm at record-breaking heatwave in Siberia
Secret recording: Rio Tinto ‘not sorry’ for cave blast
A War Against Climate Science, Waged by Washington’s Rank and File
Rafiki, Uganda’s rare silverback mountain gorilla, killed by hunters
Half a century of dither and denial – a climate crisis timeline
Extreme waves set to get bigger and more frequent due to climate change
We dug up Australian weather records back to 1838 and found snow is falling less often
Singapore found to be the worst waste producer (per capita) in the world: Report
Special Report: Millions of abandoned oil wells are leaking methane, a climate menace
Climate crisis: ‘Zombie fires’ return to warming Arctic, year after unprecedented blazes
Ten simple ways to act on climate change
Guest post: Cost of extreme weather due to climate change is severely underestimated
A baby bilby boom has been recorded in south-west NSW for the first time in a century
The number of climate deniers in Australia is more than double the global average, new study finds – tks Phillipa Penfold
Unilever launches €1bn climate and nature fund, targets net-zero emissions by 2039
Three years and $3 trillion to save the world climate and economy
Global Politics
The U.S. economy has become less competitive in the past couple of years. Here’s why – tks Wurpel
The ‘3.5% rule’: How a small minority can change the world – tks Frank Roberts
The Greatest Mobilization Since WWII
Britain has the wrong government for the COVID crisis
Bolton: Trump said Xi was right to detain ethnic minorities
John Bolton: Trump administration sues to block book
Sold Out – tks Claudine Nagiah
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer on How to Lead Through a Crisis (or Three)
WHAM!#GOPCowards Trends After New Video Slamming Republicans for Protecting Trump Goes Viral
Supreme Court blocks Trump from ending DACA in big win for Dreamers
Australia cyber attacks: PM Morrison warns of ‘sophisticated’ state hack
Klobuchar Withdraws From VP Consideration, Says Biden Should Pick A Woman Of Color
New Zealand prime minister becomes first ever to march in gay pride parade
Transgender Health Protections Reversed By Trump Administration – tks Caroline Frater
Supreme Court says federal law protects LGBTQ workers from discrimination – tks Kate Marsden
North Korea blows up joint liaison office with South in Kaesong
Elites in Beijing see America in decline, hastened by Trump
Business and technology
How centered leaders achieve extraordinary results
Jagmeet Singh ‘Appalled’ Extendicare Planning $10M Payout Amid COVID-19 Crisis – tks Bob Hooey
Former eBay Execs Allegedly Made Life Hell for Critics
We’re Entering the Age of Corporate Social Justice – tks Coen Tan
New Coronavirus Fears Risk Delaying Event Industry Comeback
AI Isn’t Magical and Won’t Help You Reopen Your Business
It can seriously pay to get more women into leadership. This new research shows how
Social issues and humanity
Melinda Gates and MacKenzie Bezos unveil $30M gender equality initiative
How your insecurity is bought and sold
Why we need to respect sexual orientation, gender diversity in autism
Sushant Singh Rajput dies by suicide at 34 in Mumbai
We’ve Been Hosting Two Refugees During Lockdown. Here’s What We’ve Learned
Passion, humour, history
Weekends: The precarious position of Singapore’s theatre community – tks Glenn Van Zutphen
Sir Ian Holm: Lord of the Rings and Alien star dies aged 88 – rest in peace Bilbo!
Hope this is valuable. It helps me to keep all I’m reading in one place for future reference, so it’s a good exercise for me to do regardless. But I’d appreciate if you let me know in the comments your favorite piece from this week’s collection? Always interesting.
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I believe it’s time for all of us to embrace our voice and embrace the future. We do this by working and living ‘out loud’ with meaning, intention, integrity and by being true to ourselves. If you own your voice, you will own your future.
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