The Digital Conversationalist

employee communications

Understanding the millennial mindset – what’s important to young professionals?

If you’re like me, the ideas and opinions around our millennial work-colleagues has started to become tedious and, quite frankly, patronizing. I’ve had the pleasure of working with thousands of young, nubile minds, and the broad-brush statements across a whole generation has never sat well with me. Besides, I’ve always felt I’m a millennial in […]

Understanding the millennial mindset – what’s important to young professionals? Read More »

Want to be successful? Be a person of your word and take action

I get asked for career advice a lot, and while most of the time I don’t think I can teach anyone anything – I’m still trying to work this life-stuff out myself – there are a couple of observations I’ve made in my 20+ year career that are consistent and (I believe) debilitating if you

Want to be successful? Be a person of your word and take action Read More »

Are you ignoring your greatest content creation resource today?

Every time I meet with a new company to talk about ramping up their content marketing efforts, the biggest challenge identified is being able to create enough content. So I ask about employees contributing content and if there is a process in place to welcome (and even reward) that? In 99 percent of cases, the

Are you ignoring your greatest content creation resource today? Read More »

Internal Communication is a Fine Art

I had the great pleasure of interviewing David Cook, the Communications Director for Cisco, Asia Pacific, Japan and Greater China, this week. Responsible for communications across a very complex and diverse region, David had some terrific insight toward internal communications as a skill in its own right, and he talked about how authenticity, honesty, and

Internal Communication is a Fine Art Read More »