The Digital Conversationalist

Messaging and positioning

Messaging my Own Company – a Lesson Learned

Since launching SAJE in 2006, I’ve gone through a few messaging revamps. I haven’t done this because I got it “wrong” in the early days, I quite simply started out focused on one area – messaging and positioning. But I’ve come to the conclusion that you can’t work full time on this – there just

Messaging my Own Company – a Lesson Learned Read More »

Softbank 30 Year Vision – An Asian Lesson

SoftBank Corporation is a Japanese headquartered telecommunications and Internet corporation, with operations in broadband, fixed-line telecommunications, e-commerce, Internet, finance, and much much more. Established in Japan in 1981, its market capitalization in 2011 was more than US$43 billion. It’s a global player and recently gained the media spotlight with its 70 percent acquisition of US telco

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How Many Characters for Social Media Business Pages?

I’ve just spent a great deal of time researching the number of characters allowed on the business pages for the significant social media sites. I have been looking for content limits for the “About” section, and while this is not the only opportunity to tell your story on a profile page – with headings and banners

How Many Characters for Social Media Business Pages? Read More »

The Difference between a Vision and a Mission Statement – Simplified

The most searched term on my blog – by a very long way – is: “what is the difference between a vision and a mission statement?” I did a pretty comprehensive blog on this in September 2011, and then another entitled “Are Corporate Values Important?” in December 2011, which built on this discussion. Based on

The Difference between a Vision and a Mission Statement – Simplified Read More »