All good things come to an end, and it’s the end of our Northern Thailand adventure, with the boys going back to school in a couple more weeks. It’s bizarre to think they’ve been out of school physically since March, and if the growth spurts my two have gone through are any indication, I know we’ll be blown away by the other kids when we see them.
I know many people would love to be able to get out and about right now. The lockdowns and travel restrictions are not fun for anyone, so we know we’re lucky to have the opportunity to explore Thailand at this time (it’s more than 60 days Covid-free here), but it’s challenging too.
The North is empty. The doors are shuttered and every day new ‘for rent’ and ‘for sale’ signs are going up. Some of the business owners I spoke with said they would be extremely challenged to make it until Christmas if this isn’t over.
It’s quite simply heart breaking. And you know it’s going to get a lot worse for people in countries where travel and tourism is such a critical part of the infrastructure. But there are other countries challenged for different reasons too, reliant on the income of different sectors.
Right now, all of the developing countries that have been experiencing boom times need to get very innovative in creating new economies less dependent on industries that will be years off recovering, and we need to help these countries struggling too. So many are facing very challenging times ahead.
Therefore I wanted to make this request. Have you been deeply touched by someone you met on holidays that could do with a hand right now – think taxi driver, waitress, concierge, etc..? Or perhaps a town, village or community that made a big impact on you? Can you dig deep and help out? Everything helps.
Bigger charities: On a global scale, there are many amazing charities doing great work. One of my favorites is Kiva. Perhaps you can sponsor some individuals through this platform? Or donate to the UN Refugee Program and World Food Program? We have 30 million people facing famine and more than 100 million have slipped into extreme poverty since the pandemic started. Let’s all come together and help the organizations doing the most to address these challenges?
Our humanity and compassion will get us through these times, but we have to take care of each other.
Friends content
Finding Your Voice – check out Simone De Haas’ course. This will be amazing as she’s a very talented lady.
Content to read
And here’s the content I’ve been reading this last week. Scan the headlines, read the ones that jump out at you, read or watch them all. Knowledge is power, and global knowledge is even more powerful.
Climate Crisis / 6th Mass Extinction
Physicists Say There’s A 90 Percent Chance Civilization Will Soon Collapse
Bayer Begins Rewarding its Farmers for Generating Carbon Credits tks Susanna Hasenoehrl
Greta’s world tks Joyce Ano
The great climate migration – powerful read
One in Three Children Have Unacceptably High Lead Levels, Study Says
A Quarter of Bangladesh Is Flooded. Millions Have Lost Everything tks Denise chai
Show Me the Methane tks Susanna Hasenoehrl
Lockdown was the longest period of quiet in recorded human history tks Simon Kearney
Victoria’s coronavirus crisis: fear hangs over Melbourne and nothing is like the first wave
Coronavirus: Swimming defector was not infected, says S Korea
Coronavirus vaccine: When will we have one?
Victorian coronavirus cases continue to soar with record 532 new infections, six deaths
The Covid-19 Pandemic’s Long-Term Effects on Future Tourist Experiences tks John Vincent Gordon
Coronavirus ‘most severe health emergency’ WHO has faced
Do you have a right to not wear a mask? tks Willie Wahlin
What’s the backup plan if there’s no COVID-19 vaccine?
The Importance of Reopening America’s Schools this Fall
The Cult of Selfishness Is Killing America
‘I can’t listen to you’: Karl Stefanovic abruptly ends interview with anti-masker
Coronavirus: Hong Kong on verge of ‘large-scale’ outbreak, says Carrie Lam
Coronavirus: Scaled back Hajj pilgrimage begins in Saudi Arabia
‘That’s Ridiculous.’ How America’s Coronavirus Response Looks Abroad. tks Vicky Coburn
Rep. Louie Gohmert, who often went without a mask, tests positive for the coronavirus tks Denise Chai
Coronavirus: Australia’s Victoria records huge case jump
Former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain dies after battle with coronavirus
Stop Trying To Live Like We Aren’t In A Pandemic
How Quack Doctors And Powerful GOP Operatives Spread Misinformation To Millions
Global Politics
WE charity scandal – A simple guide to the new crisis for Trudeau
AP-NORC poll: US course at record low, Trump sinks on virus
Harris allies granted call with Biden campaign after Dodd blowup
Donald Trump Is a Broken Man tks David Lim
A ‘Wall of Vets’ Joins the Front Lines of Portland Protests
Australia doesn’t need Reagan and Thatcher’s neoliberal economics of misery tks Claire Kielty
Najib Razak: Malaysian ex-PM gets 12-year jail term in 1MDB corruption trial
AOC Shut Down a Congressman Who Insulted Her, Reminding Me Why I’m Proud to Be a F*cking B*tch tks Brian Sibley
The voice of the late Rep. John Lewis echoes in the Capitol during ceremony
Donald Trump’s divisive method culminates in Portland
Prominent Hong Kong professor and pro-democracy activist fired by university tks Dominic Powers
Donald Trump suggests delay to 2020 US presidential election
Obama eulogizes John Lewis at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta
Business and technology
News Corp: Rupert Murdoch’s son James quits company
The human skills we need in an unpredictable world tks Francine Varner
Five key moments from the big tech grilling
A Collapse That Wiped Out 5 Years of Growth, With No Bounce in Sight
The Economy Is in Record Decline, but Not for the Tech Giants
Social issues (#BlackLivesMatter) and humanity
Leigh Sales showed us the abuse women cop online. When are we going to stop tolerating misogyny? Tks Claire Kielty
The Poison of Male Incivility When a woman dares respond to it, she’s seen as “disruptive.”
‘Don’t come back, they’ll kill you for being gay’
‘Rednecks For Black Lives’ Urges Southerners To Fight For Racial Justice tks Denise Chai
Why Did It Take a Pandemic to Show How Much Unpaid Work Women Do?
Police say ‘Umbrella Man’ who sparked Minneapolis riots is a white supremacist tks Michelle Giamusso Regal
Passion, humour, history
“Not now, not ever”: Australian Voices Choir sing Julia Gillard’s “Misogyny speech” Cymbeline Buhler
ABBA Will Release 5 New Songs in 2021! tks David Lim
Photographer Waits 6 Days to Capture Perfect Moment Between Big Cat Couple tks David Lim
You Can’t Stop Us | Nike
Brilliant!! Thank you Aristha Khanna. You’re always on the pulse.
Let me know if anything jumped out at you?
18 Steps to An All-Star LinkedIn Profile
This book is the starting point for LinkedIn success. If you want to buy it, it’s available on .in .au and Flipkart. It’s also available as an eBook on Amazon Kindle, Kobo, Google Play and iBooks.

Are you a Social CEO?
I’m proud to be a contributing author to The Social CEO: How Social Media Can Make You A Stronger Leader. You can order it on Amazon today.
Want to claim your stage?
Check out our co-authored Best Selling Book – Unleash Your Voice – Powerful Public Speaking for Every Woman – proud to be part of this too!
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Check out this case study with IBM Asia Pacific. Incredible results.
Want to be a super star online?
Don’t know where to start, check out my e-learning course How to build a rock star personal brand today.
I believe it’s time for all of us to embrace our voice and embrace the future. We do this by working and living ‘out loud’ with meaning, intention, integrity and by being true to ourselves. If you own your voice, you will own your future.
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