The Digital Conversationalist


Want to Win at Content Marketing? Empower and Embrace Your Employees

You are going to be reading A LOT about employee brand advocacy in the coming years, and I encourage you to do one thing right now – understand this opportunity quickly and make sure your business champions it. If you embrace content marketing and employee brand advocacy together today, you will lead a fundamental transformation

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Capture Professional Moments to Bolster Personal Brand

When I sit down with senior executives to work on professional social profiles, especially LinkedIn, the question always comes up – do you have great photos from your professional history? Luckily, most senior executives do. It’s everyone else who has to scramble. These sorts of photos include team building shots, speaking onstage or in a

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8 Tips to Build a Twitter Presence From Scratch

As a marketer I strongly believe that if you’re in business, you have to be on Twitter: especially if you want to be part of a global conversation. There are other social sites you must be on too (LinkedIn), but it’s about being where your customers are, and Twitter should be viewed as a cornerstone communication channel for

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6 Tips for Identifying Your Perfect B2B Content Partner

I’ve been in the content marketing game since 2003, when I launched IDC’s Marketing Services business into Asia. It wasn’t called ‘content marketing’ back then, and I didn’t actually identify myself as a content marketer until 2009, when I was running my own business. Of course, for the dynamic region of Asia, it’s only in

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Social Selling on LinkedIn Doesn’t Work When…

My LinkedIn inbox is currently full of pitches from people I’ve never met or engaged with. These folk have asked to connect with me and once I press that little yes button, within five minutes too many think it’s a green flag to send an unsolicited pitch selling a product or service. It’s never targeted.

Social Selling on LinkedIn Doesn’t Work When… Read More »

Are you Content Marketing or Marketing?

The stats are pretty clear: 77 percent of B2C and 86 percent of B2B companies are using content marketing – 78 percent of CMO’s think custom content is the future of marketing – $135 billion was spent on digital marketing content in 2014 – 62 percent of millennial loyalty is driven by

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Content Marketing is About Earning People’s Time

There is a GREAT deck on Slideshare right now. It’s called “Crap. The Content Marketing Deluge” by Velocity Partners. I love this deck for many reasons, but mainly because it spoke my language – irreverent, but makes a very strong argument – and that is: as more B2B brands turn to content marketing, the consumer

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Content Marketing and Personal Branding are Inextricably Linked

Simon Cholmeley and I were thrilled to be invited to speak at the Microsoft Platinum Partner Summit 2015 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, last week. A wonderful opportunity to share our learnings on the content marketing landscape in Asia with Microsoft’s partners, we also took the opportunity to link the message to something absolutely

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