Welcome back to the Weekend Reads and as the theme of The Know Show reflected this week, it’s all getting a bit cray cray out there. This followed a conversation with my husband earlier in the week, where I was reflecting that the conversation I’ve been tracking for years – on climate, biodiversity loss, economics, geopolitics, war, you name it (essentially the polycrisis) is hitting a level of outrage, fear, panic, alarm, urgency and deep deep concern I haven’t seen before. It makes me wonder if we have indeed gone too far towards the cliff edge?
Do you feel it too? Like everything is really going up a notch on the risk front? You know, we’re saw a US soldier self-emolliate to protest the war in Palestine, and Donald Trump has had an extraordinary week or two on the verbal-ramblings-front, the likes we haven’t seen before. Here’s one example below, but his comments about women giving birth at nine months – wait, what?!
The question is being asked again – does Donald Trump have dementia? I’d suggest it’s important we know that, considering the house he’s looking to secure.
The whole world is watching the impact of US politicisation on the war in Ukraine and the impact it’s having on the country, everything that continues to go on in Israel is alarming including the confusion in the media over who did what, women’s rights are under attack everywhere in really crazy ways, heat records across the world including in the Northern Hemisphere are enormous, and not to forget there’s a massive fire in Texas which started in February, while California is about to get hit with a monster snow storm.
I’m sitting here in Thailand, dealing with heat extremes more like we see in April and May, wondering what April and May are going to look like….. it’s not a comfortable thought, while at the same time, my home state of Victoria in Australia is on fire, and well, it’s all a bit much.
What we all need is the courage Yulia Navalnaya showed this week, when she spoke to the EU Parliament. We definitely can’t be “boring” in dealing with any of the challenges we face.
Want to understand the polycrisis, I recommend this read.
Want to understand why hope is not our friend? Then read this.
And a question – are you feeling the change in conversation and news? Are you feeling the frenzy?
Friends content and mine
I included a great article from Samantha Gayfer last week and here she is again, this time talking about what it’s like when we need to sacrifice our careers for our partners. Great read.
When Did I Become An Apostrophe? | LinkedIn
Here’s the latest in my ‘We need a new middle-class dream’ series – part two, section two, on food, including fast food.
Plenty more to read or watch, so do click through to the reads at the image below, and a reminder, this platform (elink.io) means the articles go back weeks, and potentially months as the year progresses. If you want to see the latest, it’s the first 100 or so added.

Please do let me know what caught your attention? Or share with me what has your attention now? There’s a lot going on, which means none of us can cover everything. Besides, it’s always great to get feedback so I know I’m delivering something of value.
All of my contact information is here.
Uncommon Courage, an invitation
Uncommon Courage is an invitation to be your courageous best self every day. It’s also an antidote to the overwhelm, fear, and rage rolling around the world. But it’s more than a book; it’s an invitation to join an inclusive community that wants to better understand humanities challenges – both global and personal – in order to take courageous action and create a better world for everyone. If Covid19 gave us the time and space to reflect, Uncommon Courage gives us the nudge we need to create lasting change.
You can buy it on Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Booktopia, Smashwords, Kobo, Gardners, Odilo, Indie Bound, BookShop by BookTrib and Scribd.
Better yet, order it from your local bookstore, so you can #SupportLocal.
You can read the reviews, including a new five-star review on Book Commentary, another five-star review on ReaderViews, a review on BookTrib, and three more on Booklife, another on Book Commentary and Blue Ink Reviews. I’m also collating reviews on my Website too. Have a look and grateful to everyone who has written or recorded one.
Come and join the conversation in my Facebook Group Uncommon Courage.
Listen in to the Uncommon Courage, the podcast on Apple, Spotify and everywhere podcasts are published.
The Know Show
Check out The Know Show. It’s a fortnightly wrap up of the news and we started again for 2024.
Climate Courage
A fortnightly conversation on issues that matter to you and I, focusing on the actions we can all take. I am yet to confirm the return date for this, but it’s coming. In the meantime, I’m doing a three-part series called: We need a new middle-class dream, and one billion people with Uncommon Courage!
18 Steps to an All-Star LinkedIn Profile
Listed by Book Authority in the 100 Best LinkedIn Books of All Time and 22 Best New LinkedIn eBooks To Read In 2021 and 2022 categories. Grab it today if you want to take your professional presence to the next level! When it comes to LinkedIn, it really is time to ask — can you really afford not to have this book in the hands of every employee?
Are you a Social CEO? The Social CEO: How Social Media Can Make You A Stronger Leader.
Want to claim your stage? Unleash Your Voice – Powerful Public Speaking for Every Woman
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