There are weeks in the news and there are WEEKS in the news, this one was definitely WEEKS. To give you a flavour, we started it off with the second “Pineapple Express” to hit California within days of the previous storm, and while bad, it wasn’t as devastating as expected. Wheat Blast is a disease that could become worse with climate change, which means an additional threat to food security, and more than 100 people died in Chile’s wild fires.
Moving on, it appears harming people, especially young females, is profitable business, and a MAGA convoy descended on the border to stop an “invasion” of migrants, however, they were a bit disappointed to find no invasion – there were frustrated convoy members for sure. When it comes to extremism, there’s a crazy story going around at the moment that the far right and Nazism is actually a far left position – you got to read this story to believe it.
Getting onto the planetary crisis’, severe drought and extreme weather events are impacting many countries, putting global food security at risk, including: Pakistan; the DR Congo; Canada; and Catalonia; to name a few, not to mention the on-going Panama Canal crisis, which is have a huge impact.
If you want to make money become a climate denier, also it was announced hurricanes will now have a new category six, and apparently ancient sea sponges are at the centre of a controversial claim that the world has already warmed by 1.7C (3.1F) since pre-industrial times.
In East Antarctica (the side we don’t hear much about) it looks to be experiencing accelerated melting, we have breached 1.5C warming in the last 12 months, Climate Scientist, Michael Mann won his defamation trial (hooray), and the big news this week is, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is rapidly heading towards a tipping point, which will completely transform earth.
Oh and King Charles was diagnosed with cancer, and the Grammy’s were well received this year.
Do click through to the reads, so much going on, and a reminder, this platform means the articles go back weeks, and potentially months as the year progresses. If you want to see the latest, it’s the first 100 or so articles that have been added.

Please do let me know what caught your attention? Or share with me what has your attention now? There’s a lot going on, none of us can cover everything. Besides, it’s always great to get feedback so I know I’m delivering something of value.
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