The Digital Conversationalist

What is Inbound Marketing?
There’s a lot of talk about Inbound Marketing versus Outbound Marketing these days, and more and more...
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Sales Training – Four Focus Areas for Success
Ask any sales person during their annual review what they need from the company to hit their figures...
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Authenticity has never been More Important in Business
In my early 20s, my first job after graduating from University was becoming a Musician in the Australian...
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Mission Statements – World’s Top 10 Brands
Source: Millward Brown Continuing the discussion...
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Like it? Share it...
I’ve had some thoughts rattling around in my head recently, thinking about how the cultural subtleties...
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5 Tips for Identifying Your Perfect B2B Content Partner
A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of seeing my first article published on Content Marketing Institute....
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The Difference between a Vision and a Mission Statement – Simplified
The most searched term on my blog – by a very long way – is: “what is the difference between...
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Digital Success in Asia Faces Unique Challenges
SAJE’s first customer when we launched back in 2006 was Alvin Chan. At that time he was Regional Marketing...
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Why Blog?
I recently wrote a blog on blogging – I Know I Should be Blogging But, definitely very topical...
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Linked In, Blinked Out
How much of  ‘corporate social media’  amounts to ‘wasting time on the company’s...
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I Know I Should be Blogging, But...
I don’t have time. I can’t write. I hate writing. I don’t have anything to write about. I have nothing...
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Tablet Strategies for Content Marketing?
IDG Connect recently launched a white paper entitled “iPad for Business Survey 2012” which highlights...
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A Creative Valentine's eDM
Hi everyone, I’ve been a bit quiet in SAJE blog-land of late, but that’s a good thing because...
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What Makes A Good Blog Great?
Imagine you live in a city where residents must choose between electricity or public sanitation. Which...
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Scoot is on Message
In April 2012, Singaporean travellers will have the option of a new low cost airline within the competitive...
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Are Corporate Values Important?
I took my sons to Ben & Jerry’s for an ice-cream treat at the end of school term. I think it’s a...
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SAJE Officially Launches “The Writers Shop”
Audience Diaspora We’ve never shared any SAJE news on our blog, but today we’re so excited about what...
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Burson Marsteller Report on Social in Asia
Burson Marsteller recently released the “Asia Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011, How Asian Companies...
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Communication is the Most Important Skill in the Professional Services Sector
I’ve had a few recent reminders about this, working with some other professional services companies....
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Writing an Awesome Case Study
I’ve been a bit slack on the blogging front of late, but managed to get in a holiday to Holland, which...
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Dell - a Top Five Social Media Brand – Looking for Fresh Ideas
Damien Cummings is the Online & Social Media Director for the Consumer and SMB Division at Dell,...
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Appetite for Content
I was forwarded this Infographic and it speaks for itself. Based on UK research prepared by Base One...
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IDG Connect Survey – Local Vs Global Content in Asia Pacific
I’ve been meaning to make a few notes about IDG Connect’s recent survey on global content trends, specifically...
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IBM is a Social Business
A couple of weeks ago, I interviewed John Kerr, director for Edelman Digital in APAC. In the interview,...
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A Simple Guide to Getting Your Message Across
We rarely share other blogs on this site, but this was a short and simple reminder of what is most important...
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The Difference Between a Vision and a Mission Statement?
One question I am asked regularly is – what is the difference between a vision and a mission statement?...
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Are PR Agencies a Strategic Fit for Social Businesses?
John Kerr, Director, Edelman Digital APAC An argument has been doing the rounds in social media-land,...
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Is Social Media Marketing an Effective B2B Tool?
I’ve just read a blog that was featured on on August 10, written by David Lavenda. It...
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5 Strategies for Event Success
A few months ago I met Kavita Jhunjhunwala and was immediately impressed, as she is such a dynamic and...
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Aligning Content Strategy with the Sales Cycle
In a recent blog I talked about using the customers’ “language” as a key component in succeeding with...
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Our mission at The Digital Conversationalist is to empower, inspire and motivate professionals to harness social media to intelligently build dream careers, as well as to take advantage of the content marketing opportunities we all have today. We do this for both professionals and businesses. If you’d like to work with me, please get in touch!

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